
Fundo Vale has published impact reports since 2020, seeking out the best means of presenting the scope of initiatives implemented. In 2023, these reports came to be published biannually in order to offer greater insight into the impact of operations during the period. Beginning in 2023, a summary of progress for the year will be presented on this website between the publishing of each Impact Report, offering a general overview of results and initiatives receiving support and/or currently under development.

The information presented refers to the contributions of the initiatives that participated in the process of collecting self-reported data in 2024 to the Theory of Change of Fundo Vale.

5Cs Strategy
2023 Highlights
Catalyze businesses with positive socio-environmental impact
Through the Amazon Journey, which stimulates the creation and development of startups that value the forest, more than four thousand entrepreneurial talents were mobilized in nine states and 211 municipalities; 200 socio-environmental impact businesses were incubated and 21 ventures were accelerated for scale gain. The goal is to create 200 startups in the next three years.
Provide and unlock patient, catalytic, and flexible financial capital
Act in coalitions by knowing and interacting with different ecosystem actors in a systemic approach
Build capacities by producing and disseminating knowledge to develop and strengthen partners and individuals
Contribute to Vale's Sustainability Commitments

Accumulated Results

As of 2023




in financing


social and environmental impact businesses receiving support


hectares in areas
through means
of sustainable systems


receiving support







0 M

in financing

0 %

increase compared
to 2022


Amazon networks and alliances we are part of


initiatives supported throughout the year

production chains
by the
products and services
by the
supported businesses

individuals directly or indirectly impacted by supported businesses and initiatives


social and environmental impact businesses supported, six of which receive both financial and non-financial support directly from Fundo Vale



Catalytic Capital for Nature

Fundo Vale supports the creation and implementation of disruptive financial mechanisms, seeking to establish innovative solutions capable of unlocking capital within markets. These efforts offer scalability and sustainability in socio-environmental financing. Fundo Vale's priority strategy involves catalyzing Blended Finance, in which resources obtained from several different sources are combined in order to increase the flow of capital in initiatives focusing on land use, forests, and climate.

Forest Goal


2030 BY VALE

We continue to make significant progress in reaching Vale's 2030 Forest Goal, dedicating ourselves to the preservation and recovery of areas in line with the UN's 2030 Agenda. Results for 2023 are presented below.


Recovery of forested areas

R$ 50M+

in investments

R$ 10M+

in non-financial support


+ 0

across three biomes

Amazon 0 %

Cerrado savannah 0 %

Atlantic Rainforest 0 %

2,200 hectares

with Assisted Forest Regeneration

2,199 hectares

established under Integrated Farming-Livestock Rearing (ILPF) system

736 hectares

with Agroforestry System (SAF)

86 hectares

in Diversified Silviculture


different species of trees implemented

75% of which are native to Brazil

when compared to previous years


receiving support


of these businesses
currently in Proofs of
Concept (PoCs)**

Carbon balance
equivalent to 32,380 tCO2e

between 2020 and 2022***


• Portfolio

  • Belterra
  • Caaporã

• PoC

  • Courageous Land
  • Futuro Florestal
  • Radix

• Application in a forest fund with Vale resources


• Embrapa

• Fruto Agrointeligência

• Horus BI

• Imaflora


• Move Social

• Palladium

• Provalia

* Results validated using georeferenced information and satellite images through means of an external audit

** Of the 5,221 hectares implemented, 129 are the result of the work of PoC businesses in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes

*** Estimated or calculated based on self-reported information from businesses supported under Forest Goal

individuals directly and
indirectly impacted
positions directly generated
through the implementation
of sustainable systems and hectares
individuals receiving training
in sustainable cultivation of cocoa


  • Cocoa 2030 - Training in SAFs for workers in expanded rural areas and Implementation of Demonstration Units | Imaflora
  • INPACTO Social Vulnerability Index within Cocoa Production Chain (IVI Cocoa) | InPacto
  • Agroforestry Systems for the Mitigation of Climate Change and Hunger | Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa

Amazon and Bioeconomy


In 2023, we built and improved partnerships to foster socio-environmental impact businesses and strengthen sociobioeconomic production chains. We also supported structuring initiatives for the region in the areas of deforestation monitoring, connectivity and land-use planning. See the results achieved throughout the year.


individuals impacted through means of
supported programs


+R$ 0 million

for access to credit through supported initiatives

Initiatives that provided data stated that they consider 100% of funds received from other investors prior to or after the start initiatives to have been further leveraged through relationships established with Fundo Vale.


value chains impacted

Brazil nut, açaí, cocoa, coffee, among others

The programs supported have indirectly contributed to the preservation of

+ 0 million

hectares in Brazil

0 h

in training courses offered under programs

Strategies offered

under support initiatives

Ideation Icon

(Idea + Validation of idea + Prototype)

Mentorship, Technical Assistance and Consulting

Structuring Icon

(Pilot + MVP + Business Organization)

Acceleration, Mentorship and Consulting

Growth Icon

(Traction + Pre-Scaling)

Networks and Acceleration

Expansion Icon


Networks and Consulting

Initiatives and partnerships

AMAZ - Impact Accelerator | Idesam

Amazon at Home, Forest Standing | Climate Ventures and Idesam

Amazon Journey | CERTI Foundation

Amazon social and bioeconomy | Conexsus

Bioeconomy Pará | CERTI Foundation

Climate Impact Calculator | Climate Ventures

Entrepreneurship Amazônia | Bridge for Billions and The United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP

Eradication of poverty in Amazonas | Sustainable Amazon Foundation - FAS

Floresta Viva ('Living Forest') | Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES

Forest Peoples Connection | Forest Peoples Connection Institute

Green Wave Platform | Climate Ventures

Latimpacto | Latimpacto

Strengthening of production chains in protected areas | Association of Residents of the Rio Iriri Extractive Reserve - AMORERI, Association of Rural Producers of Carauari - ASPROC, Idesam, Tropical Forest Institute - IFT, Mamirauá Institute, Operation Native Amazon - OPAN

PrevisIA - Artificial Intelligence for the prevention of deforestation | Amazon Institute of People and the Environment - Imazon

Sponsored Initiatives

2021/22 Brazilian Impact Investment Report | Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs - ANDE

2023 Impact Business Map and Guide 2.5 | Quintessa e Pipe Social

Celebration of Sitawi's 15 years of operations | Sitawi

Expo Amazônia Bio&TIC | Polo Digital Manaus

Impact Minds: Standing Together | Latimpacto

Metrics from the Ground Up Conference | ANDE

Mission-Oriented Innovation Forum | World-Transforming Technologies - WTT

Reset Conecta Event | Capital Reset

National Congress for the National Council of Extractivist Populations | National Council of Extractive Populations - CNS

Updating of the Amazon 2023 Social Progress Index | Amazon Institute of People and the Environment - Imazon

Networks and collaborative spaces

Fundo Vale recognizes the key role that networking and coordination play in expanding the scale of business activities.

Objective: Strengthen sector networks and actively participate in collaborative spaces in order to expand knowledge, networking, and promote the dissemination of knowledge, training and exchange of experiences.

Participation within networks:

Amazon Concertation

Amazon Investor Coalition

Amazon Restoration Alliance

ANDE | Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs

Climate, Forest and Agriculture Coalition Brazil

GIFE | Group of Latimpact Institutes, Foundations and Companies


PPA | Partners for the Amazon

Amazon Concertation

Catalytic Capital for Nature

Catalytic Capital
for Nature

In 2023, Fundo Vale actively invested in and unlocked
financial resources in a manner aligned
with our purpose of creating and strengthening
innovative investment arrangements and instruments.
The results of these efforts can be found below.


impact businesses supported
through initiatives 


individuals impacted,
directly or indirectly,
through supported initiatives


value chains impacted

Açaí, Brazil Nut, Macaúba, Latex and Rubber, Cocoa, among others

As part of initiatives supported under Fundo Vale's programs,


thousand hectares of forested areas have been preserved or recovered

100 %

of amounts leveraged under initiatives reported prior to or after the start of initiatives were obtained through the support of relationships established with Fundo Vale

Support for the development of three types of financial
, which helped mobilize access to

+ R$ 0,0 million

in credit through these instruments


AMAZ - Impact Accelerator | Idesam

Amazon Social and Bioeconomy | Conexsus



OBJECTIVE: Connect actors from a range of different sectors in order to drive positive social and environmental impact agendas, particularly with regards to Forests & Climate.


• Connection with 39 different startups, 22 corporations and entities and 2 investment funds

• 19 events either held by Fundo Vale itself or held in partnership with other organizations

Forest and Climate-Related Challenges | Carbon Edition

Programa de aceleração de startups com soluções para o ecossistema de crédito de carbono florestal, em parceria com a Quintessa.

OBJECTIVE: Leverage development of high-potential solutions within the agroforestry carbon ecosystem and connect them to relevant market actors.


239 businesses registered

5 startups benefiting from mentorships, training, management support and connections in order to leverage business activities and results over a 6-month period

Partnerships with 6 relevant companies within innovation and carbon ecosystems

Mapping of challenges within the forest carbon credit generation chain

87 startup connections with actors within the carbon and innovation ecosystem

7 Proofs of Concept (PoCs) or Pilot Projects generated between startups and corporations