Impact Foundations and Institutes (FIIMP)

The Impact Foundations and Institutes group arose when 22 foundations and institutes (family, corporate and independent) came together in 2016 to learn about investing in social and environmental impact businesses, experimenting with the use of different financial mechanisms. It originated from the Innovation in Social Finance Lab, created by the Alliance for Impact investments and Businesses (at the time called the Social Finance Task Force). Two learning cycles, called FIIMP 1 and 2, were held between 2017 and 2020, involving 32 institutes, foundations and companies. In all, around R$1.9 million was invested, nine impact ecosystem intermediaries were supported and 50 impact businesses directly benefited.

Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)

Global network of organizations that promote entrepreneurship in emerging markets. ANDE’s members offer financial, educational and business support services to small enterprises, believing that they create jobs, stimulate long-term economic growth and yield environmental and social benefits. They ultimately help countries fight poverty. In its Brazilian chapter, ANDE also works to strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem. To this end, it connects local stakeholders, builds lasting relationships and promotes collaboration between members. Fundo Vale has been a member since 2019.

Brazilian Forest, Climate and Agriculture Coalition

Multi-sector movement composed of leading Brazilian agribusiness organizations, key environmental and climate civil organizations, renowned academics, trade associations and leading companies in sectors such as timber, cosmetics, steel, and paper and pulp. The coalition advocates concrete actions, policies and economic incentives that take advantage of Brazil’s comparative advantages and position the country as a global protagonist of a new development model that is more prosperous, fairer and more sustainable, generating jobs and income.

Green Municipalities Program (PMV)

Pará state government program developed in partnership with municipalities, civil society, the private sector, the Brazilian environmental protection agency, Ibama, and the Federal Public Prosecutors’ Office. Its goals are to fight deforestation in the state and strengthen rural sustainable production through strategic environmental and land tenure management, focusing on local agreements, deforestation monitoring, the implementation of a Rural Environmental Registry and the structuring of environmental management in participating municipalities. Fundo Vale contributed to the structuring of this program, which was created in 2011, and it serves on its Management Board.