Between June 30 and July 2, Manaus hosted ExpoAmazônia BIO&TIC 2022, one of the biggest bioeconomy, information technology and communication events in northern Brazil.
Patricia Daros, Fundo Vale’s director, took part in a panel discussion called “Philanthropic Capital and Impact Investing: Future Vision for the Amazon’s Bioeconomy,” alongside Lucas Scarascia of the JBS Amazon Fund and Julio Salarini of the national development bank, BNDES. The moderator was Marcos Dá-Ré of the CERTI Foundation.
The event attracted more than 15,000 visitors, including members of the local enterprise ecosystem and national and international guests. The participants exhibited their products and debated economically viable solutions for the Amazon region.
ExpoAmazônia featured more than 10 debates on topics such as the Bioeconomy Value Chain, Business Opportunities, High Added Value Biotechnology for the Amazon, Digital Free Trade Zones, Cutting-Edge Technologies and Industry 4.0. Each debate included speeches on issues of interest to the region’s bioeconomy and information and communication technology ecosystems.

The event’s diverse schedule of activities also included the “Amazon Coding Challenge,” which allowed participants to deploy their skills to solve computational problems. Another important space was the “SEBRAE Business Arena,” where entrepreneurs could look for solutions for their businesses. Children and teenagers had a “Makers & Kids Space,” to learn about maker culture, based on the idea that people should be able to manufacture, build, repair and change objects with their own hands.
ExpoAmazônia involved the entire innovation ecosystem – government, academia and companies – and it provided a forum for networking and business deals. The event was held by the Manaus Digital Hub Association (APDM), the Amazon Biotechnology Center (CBA), the State Secretariat for Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation (Sedecti), the Amazon Conservation and Sustainable Development Institute (Idesam) and the Manaus Free Trade Zone Agency (Suframa).
For more information, go to expoamazonia.com