
Purpose of meeting was to evaluate results and discuss improvements to achieve Vale’s 2030 Forest Goal 

On May 23 and 24, the Institute for Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (Imaflora) hosted representatives of Fundo Vale and Palladium for a Workshop on the Vale 2030 Forest Goal’s Results, Lessons Learned and Improvements. The meeting presented the program’s 2024 results, as well as proposals for improvements in the coming years. 

“It was a very fruitful meeting. We had collaborative discussions, enriched by the different visions and experiences of each stakeholder. The partners presented proposals for improvements in a number of areas, such as conceptual framework, eligibility criteria for areas, protocols for social and environmental safeguards, and carbon measurement. As this partnership matures, Vale’s 2030 Forest Goal will also gain more sophistication and fluidity,” says Helio Laubenheimer, Fundo Vale’s carbon specialist. 

Vale’s 2030 Forest Goal aims to protect and restore 500,000 hectares of habitat in Brazil by 2030. Through this program, the organization encourages and strengthens businesses that are restoring areas through agroforestry production schemes.