Last Friday (11/28), Fundo Vale promoted the “Vale Forestry 2030 Target DemoDay”, in partnership with CERTI Foundation, Darwin Startups and Palladium: Make It Possible. At the event, held in São Paulo at the FutureBrand headquarters, five businesses from the program’s portfolio presented their progress and results, and discussed trends and challenges with experts in the field.
Vale’s Forestry Goal 2030 is to recover and protect 500,000 hectares of areas by 2030, leaving a positive legacy in the biomes where the company operates, especially in the Amazon. The result of the company’s keen eye for a sustainable agenda, the commitment is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
To achieve this goal, the Vale Fund’s work comes into play as an idealizer and leader in meeting the target. This work is developed by financing and promoting sustainable businesses in the Amazon, such as Belterra Agroflorestas, Bioenergia Orgânicos, Caaporã Agrosilvipastoril (NoCarbon), Courageous Land and Inocas.
Learn more about the Vale 2030 Forest Goal here.