
During the event, the initiative selected four startups from northern Brazil to join the Cubo Itaú innovation ecosystem in São Paulo

To contribute to the growth of the positive social and environmental impact ecosystem in the Amazon, Fundo Vale and Cubo Itaú took seven startups and 16 corporations participating in the “Amazon at Cubo Itaú” program to Belém, Pará to do an immersion. Between July 17 and 19, various activities took place in different areas of the city to provide a deeper understanding of the environmental and social potential and challenges of the world’s largest biome.

The following companies and organizations took part: Amcham Brasil, Hydro, Arcelor Mittal, Itaú, Azul, Natura & Co, Azul Cargo Express, Suzano, the Inter-American Development Bank, KPTL, Bayer, Biomas, Gerdau, KPMG, Hidrovias do Brasil and Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (CTC). The following startups aimed at the bioeconomy also participated: Academia Amazônia Ensina, Monking, Vivalá, Amaz Green Farm, Bactolac, Bioplazon and DINAM.  

The immersion included activities designed to stimulate business connections, led by local organizations and entrepreneurs. The participants also had the opportunity to learn about social and cultural aspects of Pará’s state capital, through talks by local historians, pitches and presentations of success stories, including the work of the Vale Institute of Technology (ITV), as well as a special moment with young participants in the Vale Music Project in Belém.

“The Amazon at Cubo Itaú immersion surpassed all my expectations. I had the opportunity to present our solution and make inspiring connections with other startups, investors and companies committed to sustainability. It was an extremely valuable moment, full of exchanges and learning. I returned to Carajás with the certainty that our journey toward positive impact in the Amazon has only just begun. I’m excited about the partnerships and opportunities that emerged from this immersion, and I’m ready to contribute even more to the sustainable development of our region,” said Thainara Vasconcelos, founder and director of DINAM.

As well as holding the immersion, the Amazon at Cubo Itaú initiative selected four startups from northern Brazil to join the Cubo ESG ecosystem in São Paulo. They were the first startups from the Amazon region to join Latin America’s biggest innovation ecosystem.

“When it comes to generating positive impact in the Amazon, it’s important for entrepreneurs from other locations to get to know the biome’s challenges closer up, just as it’s important for local entrepreneurs to have access to an innovation ecosystem as rich in opportunities as Cubo ESG. Our mission at Fundo Vale is precisely to provide these connections and promote an exchange of potentialities,” said Giovana Gohr Serenato, who is responsible for Fundo Vale’s innovation area. 

Amazon at Cubo Itaú is an initiative run jointly by Fundo Vale and Cubo Itaú, aimed at stimulating and strengthening the ecosystem and businesses that generate a positive impact on the forest, with benefits for local communities, traditional peoples and small rural producers. The aim is to promote sustainable development through innovation, the bioeconomy and nature-based solutions.