The Bioeconomy Synapse will inject up to R$4.9 million into the innovation ecosystem in the Amazon region, including a non-refundable grant of R$70,000 for each business proposal. In turn, Genesis is a free program to activate talent and promote a culture of enterprise. It offers its most engaged participants the chance to participate in a game that simulates the entrepreneurial journey and an immersion trip to the Florianópolis innovation ecosystem.
The Amazon Journey Platform is now accepting applications for two programs to encourage innovative enterprise in the Amazon region: Genesis, which seeks to awaken entrepreneurial talents in the region and encourage research oriented toward impactful products and solutions; and the Bioeconomy Synapse, which aims to identify innovative ideas and help up to 70 new businesses start up in the Amazon. As well as offering a grant of up to R$70,000 to participating businesses, the Bioeconomy Synapse will hold training courses and facilitate connections with markets.
Genesis and the Bioeconomy Synapse are part of the Amazon Journey Platform, an initiative that is supporting the creation of a pipeline of innovative startups to boost entrepreneurship, foster connections with markets and strengthen the innovation and positive impact ecosystem in the region. The platform is coordinated and executed by the CERTI Foundation and CERTI Amazon Institute, supported by Bradesco, Fundo Vale, Itaú Unibanco and Santander.
By 2025, the platform aims to have mobilized 20,000 talented entrepreneurs, created 200 new impact startups, trained 100 companies and invested in the 30 most promising startups.

Applications for Genesis Program
When: May 10 to June 9
Website: genese.jornadaamazonia.org.br
Start of program: June 12
Applications for Bioeconomy Synapse
When: May 10 to June 30
Website: sinapse.jornadaamazonia.org.br
Announcement of selected ideas: August 1
Submission of business plans (Phase 2): August 1 to August 17
Announcement of selected business plans (Phase 2): September 13