Download a study commissioned by the Partners for the Amazon Platform (PPA) and carried out by Quintessa, which mapped initiatives that are developing, funding and investing in organizations with positive social and environmental impacts in the Brazilian Amazon.
In 2022, Fundo Vale was one of 62 institutions (including foundations, companies, civil society organizations, programs, research institutes and universities) mapped by the Partners for the Amazon Platform (PPA). Through 66 different initiatives, these institutions have strengthened the innovation and positive social and environmental impact ecosystem in the Brazilian Amazon region.

The objective was to contribute to the evolution of this ecosystem by raising the profile of different initiatives that already exist, exploring their distinctive features, the types of support offered, and the levels of investment and financing that have been directed toward the Amazon. Another equally important goal was to facilitate connections between entrepreneurs and the programs and projects that can support them. Here are the highlights of the “Paths to the Amazon: Initiatives to Support Impact Organizations” mapping exercise, according to PPA:
- 90% of the 66 mapped initiatives were founded in the last 12 years, underlining how this ecosystem is still maturing and structuring itself.
- 72% of the organizations that submitted proposals are led by women.
- 67% consider gender issues a priority when evaluating and measuring their portfolio.
- As for the types of support provided, the focus is on managerial development, networking and capacity building at the organizations.
- 45% of the initiatives have no expectation of a financial return and half are offered free of charge.
- In relation to the beneficiaries, there is strong interest in third sector or community-based organizations (77% of the initiatives), focusing on indigenous people or extractive producers (64 of the 66 initiatives).
This study was led by PPA, in partnership with USAID Brasil and the Bioversity Alliance / CIAT. The mapping work was organized with the support of the Amazon Investor Coalition (AIC), the CERTI Foundation and the Partnerships for Forests Program (P4F), and it was funded by the British government. The work was executed by Quintessa, a prominent impact accelerator.